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Ukraine's Defence Intelligence on Putin's threats to attack other countries: they've done it before

Friday, 7 June 2024, 11:45
Ukraine's Defence Intelligence on Putin's threats to attack other countries: they've done it before
DIU spokesperson Captain Andrii Yusov. Photo: his Facebook page

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) believes that Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin's sincere confessions about his intentions to commit terrorist acts in the world will be additional evidence in the trial of his war crimes.

Source: DIU spokesperson Captain Andrii Yusov during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Details: A journalist asked the DIU official to comment on Putin's threats to attack countries that supply Ukraine with weapons.


Quote from Yusov: "Finally, the terrorist state and Putin's regime are starting to say in a fit of hysteria things that have been said in the Kremlin's offices for a long time. In fact, they have already done so because many strikes and terrorist acts in different parts of the world have already been carried out using Russian weapons. Therefore, we can only be talking about legalising this practice.

After all, when Putin says that he will send Russian weapons to someone else, the question is: to whom? Which regimes and groups in the world does the Kremlin cooperate with? In fact, in most cases, we are talking about unrecognised entities, terrorist organisations or some regimes that have come to power as a result of undemocratic military processes...

Therefore, these are, in fact, sincere confessions that will be additional arguments during the international tribunal."



  • Russia’s ruler Vladimir Putin has declared that Russia may deploy long-range weapons to various parts of the world in order to launch attacks on "sensitive" facilities in countries that supply Ukraine with weapons.

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