Russians target Chasiv Yar with vacuum bombs that burn down everything

Alona Mazurenko — Thursday, 6 June 2024, 15:03

Russian forces have targeted the city of Chasiv Yar on the Bakhmut front of Donetsk Oblast using multiple-launch rocket systems and thermobaric munitions.

Source: Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesperson for the Khortytsia Operational Strategic Group of Forces, on the air of the national 24/7 newscast 

Quote: "In the city of Chasiv Yar, the enemy has deployed multiple-launch rocket systems that fire thermobaric munitions. These are the kind of ammunition that burn and destroy everything in their path.

They want to ensure that our defenders have nowhere to defend from. That is, they destroy everything after enemy aircraft target it, of course. And they’re using these kinds of munitions, too."

Details: Voloshyn asserts that the Russians do not give up on their attempts to move towards the Chasiv Yar front.

The Russians launched 8,350 strikes using a variety of weapons against the positions of the Ukrainian defenders in this direction just last week. Additionally, they launched 2,300 attacks on the city of Chasiv Yar last week using a variety of weapons.

By 6 June, there had already been over 1,100 mortar and artillery attacks recorded, with 302 attacks on Chasiv Yar. The southern portion of the city is the most affected.

Six airstrikes were also reported on the morning of 6 June, during which Russian aircraft dropped five guided aerial bombs on that front.

Voloshyn claims that three assaults were also conducted, in which the Russians primarily used armoured vehicle assaults. As a result, 92 Russian soldiers were injured and 75 were killed during these assaults.

Chasiv Yar is currently under the control of Ukraine’s Defence Forces. The speaker went on to say that the Russian forces occasionally attempt to advance into the Novyi quarter and the Kanal microdistrict, while being consistently under fire from Ukrainian troops. The Ukrainian forces prevent the attackers from approaching by using every kind of weapon against them.

Background: On 14 April, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi said that Russia is concentrating their efforts on break through the Ukrainian defence west of Bakhmut, seizing the settlement of Chasiv Yar and creating conditions for further advancement to the Kramatorsk agglomeration. He also said that the highest Russian military leadership had set the task for its troops to capture Chasiv Yar by 9 May.

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