Russians struck Kharkiv 76 times in May, three times more than in April – mayor

Anastasia Protz — Tuesday, 4 June 2024, 20:35

The Russians attacked Kharkiv 76 times during the month of May 2024, striking the city with aerial bombs, missiles, Shahed and Lancet drones.

Source: Ihor Terekhov, Mayor of Kharkiv

Quote: "In May alone, Kharkiv was attacked 76 times, which is almost three times more than in April. Out of these, 37 attacks involved the use of UMPBs [unified multi-purpose glide bombs – ed.], 25 involved missiles, 12 involved Shahed drones and in 3 [attacks], Lancet drones [were used]."

Details: Terekhov added that air raid warnings were issued 193 times in Kharkiv in May. In total, air raid warnings in the city were in effect for a total of 474 hours and 55 minutes.

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