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Russians in Luhansk Oblast will hand over Ukrainians' housing to security forces and migrants

Sunday, 30 June 2024, 01:54
Russians in Luhansk Oblast will hand over Ukrainians' housing to security forces and migrants
Photo: National Resistance Centre

The so-called local authorities in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) of Luhansk Oblast are changing legislation to hand over housing they have deemed "ownerless" to security forces and migrants from Central Asia.

Source: National Resistance Center (NRC)

Details: This week, the so-called "people's council of the LPR" [Luhansk People’s Republic – illegal Russian republic on the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Oblast – ed.] considered amendments to the local "law" according to which the Russian administrations identify and appropriate housing that has signs of being "ownerless property".


The housing that the Russians have recognised as "ownerless" will be handed over primarily to employees of the "'power bloc", social workers, as well as to citizens who have lost their homes and are registered as being in need of housing.

The Russians are practising forced evictions from settlements close to the front line in order to use civilian buildings to accommodate the military.

Quote: "The Russian occupation administrations also allocate such housing for civil servants who are brought in from the Russian Federation to work in the occupation authorities. Such apartments and houses are also sold at low prices to Russians who intend to settle in the TOT of Ukraine. The Kremlin is constantly encouraging such resettlement, as it wants to fully Russify the occupied territories."


More details: The Russians do not recognise property documents issued in accordance with Ukrainian law and demand that they be reissued in accordance with Russian law. Property owners must first obtain a Russian passport and then confirm their ownership of the property. 

As noted by the NRS, such demands of Russia are forcing Ukrainian citizens to risk their lives by returning to the TOT in order to preserve their property.

However, the NRS recalled that such actions of the Russians have no legal consequences and recommended that Ukrainian citizens living in the TOT keep original documents or their certified copies, or scanned/photographed digital copies.

Background: Ukraine's National Resistance Center reported that the Russians continue to systematically militarise teenagers in the temporarily occupied territories. Specifically, about a hundred Ukrainian teenagers have joined the so-called Yunarmiya (the All-Russia Young Army National Military Patriotic Social Movement Association) in Donetsk Oblast.

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