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Another Russian satellite broke apart in orbit, leaving pile of junk

Thursday, 27 June 2024, 19:36
Another Russian satellite broke apart in orbit, leaving pile of junk
3D render of waste from broken artificial satellites floating in orbit in space around planet Earth. Stock photo: Getty Images

According to LeoLabs, which monitors space objects, another old Russian satellite has dropped into low Earth orbit, leaving behind a mound of space trash.

This time, this concerns Resurs-P1, the Earth observation satellite, which was launched in June 2013 and deactivated in December 2021.

The 6.5-tonne satellite was in a 350 x 363 km orbit and disintegrated into "numerous fragments" between 03:05 UTC on 26 June and 00:51 UTC on 27 June 2024.

The Russian satellite is still in Earth’s orbit and will continue to pose a threat to spacecraft from other countries.


In February 2024, LeoLabs announced that Russia's and the United States' satellites nearly collided in orbit.

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