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Number of Ukrainians willing to join Ukraine's Defence Intelligence has increased 5 times

Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 17:29
Number of Ukrainians willing to join Ukraine's Defence Intelligence has increased 5 times
Andrii Yusov. Photo: ArmyInform

The number of people who want to join Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence (DIU) is growing after the start of the recruitment campaign in Ukraine.

Source:  Andrii Yusov, DIU representative, on the air of the national joint 24/7 newscast

Details: Everyone interested can submit an application on the official website of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine or on other online resources of Ukraine's intelligence.


Quote: "The recruitment campaign continues. The number of applicants willing to join Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence has increased five times...

Please feel free to contact us. Our recruitment specialists will definitely work on these applications and give a proper response."

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