US says Ukraine's success in war requires depriving Russia of advances in Ukraine's east and its impact on economy

Olha Hlushchenko — Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 05:30

James O’Brien, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, has said Ukraine's success in the war primarily requires depriving Russia of the ability to advance in the east, use close-in firing positions and inflict economic damage on Ukraine.

Source: Ukrinform, citing O’Brien

Quote: "When I talk about the strategy for Ukraine to thrive now, that I’m talking about right now and that’s – you have to stop the sort of Russian attempt to nibble their way forward in the east."

Details: O’Brien noted that this involves depriving Russia of the ability to use its close-in firing positions and hindering Ukraine from restarting its economy. 

This can be achieved by adequately supplying Ukrainians with air defence systems and other weapons so that they can continue to fight over a prolonged period.

Quote: "Then we come to the point where Russia has to think: Can we go forward?"

Details: O’Brien also pointed out that defining Ukraine's success also involves the country ultimately being able to control all of its internationally recognised territory.

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