Ukrainian volunteers attacked by Russian-speaking foreigners in Prague

Oleh Pavliuk, Roman Petrenko — Sunday, 2 June 2024, 14:20

Volunteers who were raising money to support Ukraine in an initiative known as Prague Maidan were attacked by Russian-speaking foreign nationals in Prague's Old Town Square on 1 June.

Source: Prague police confirmed information about the clash to the Czech portal Novinky, European Pravda reports.

Details: A video posted on social media by one of the Prague Maidan volunteers on Saturday shows a group of men and women speaking Russian about to attack them. At one point, one man in the video, speaking German with a Russian accent, says he is German.

Those involved in the altercation shouted at each other in Russian and Ukrainian and fought with an umbrella, eventually damaging the Prague Ukraine stand.

One of the Ukrainian activists posted a photo of her bloody hand on X (Twitter) after the fight. She said some Russian-speaking women had hit a Czech woman on the head, and a Russian-speaking man had told one man "how good Russia is at killing Ukrainians".

Prague police confirmed they had attended an incident at the Old Town Square due to a conflict between "two groups of foreign nationals".

"Criminal investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident. They are establishing what happened at the scene. No one’s personal freedom was restricted and no one was detained," police spokeswoman Eva Kropacheva said.

Last year, Czech police launched an investigation into an attack on a man in the capital's Prague 1 district. He was allegedly beaten up because he had been mistaken for a Ukrainian.

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