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Russians hit house in Kherson Oblast, injuring woman

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 12:51
Russians hit house in Kherson Oblast, injuring woman
A cloud of smoke from the explosion. Stock Photo: Getty Images

Russian troops hit a residential building in the village of Olhivka, Beryslav district, injuring a 67-year-old woman on the morning of 19 June. 

Source: Kherson Oblast Military Administration 

Quote: "In the morning, Russian occupiers attacked the village of Olhivka, Beryslav district. The enemy hit a residential building, where a fire broke out due to the attack. 


A 67-year-old woman was injured. She sustained blast and craniocerebral injuries, concussion, as well as burns to her head, limbs and chest." 

Details: The woman was hospitalised in moderate condition. She is being provided with the necessary medical care.

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