Russian attacks on Donetsk Oblast: man killed in Zvanivka, woman injured in Chasiv Yar

KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 00:53

One person has been killed and another wounded in Russian attacks on Donetsk Oblast on Monday, 17 June.

Source: Anastasiia Miedviedieva, spokesperson for the Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office, in a comment to Suspilne Donbas

Quote: "Russian troops bombarded Chasiv Yar, presumably with artillery, today [17 June] at 12:00. As a result of the enemy attack, a 57-year-old woman was wounded. She was taken to hospital with a head injury, a fracture and bruises. Her house was also damaged."

Details: Miedviedieva also said that the Russians struck the village of Zvanivka, Bakhmut district, presumably with an aerial bomb at 16:00. A 41-year-old man was killed in the strike.

Pre-trial investigations have been initiated into these cases under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely violation of the laws and customs of war.

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