Finnish president urges China to influence Putin to put end to war

Olha Hlushchenko — Sunday, 16 June 2024, 06:48

Finnish President Alexander Stubb has said at the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland that China can play a key role in establishing peace in Ukraine.

Source: Finnish public service media company Yle, citing Stubb speaking to journalists at the Peace Summit in Switzerland

Quote: "I strongly urge China, in its capacity to influence [Kremlin ruler Vladimir] Putin, to end this war."

Details: At the same time, Stubb emphasised the importance of the Global South in achieving peace.

Quote: "There are many representatives [at the Peace Summit – ed.] from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and especially the Middle East. This gives me hope that we will be able to get on the path to peace, and I believe it is important that this happens on Ukraine's terms."

Details: In addition, Stubb called on Russian leader Vladimir Putin to end the war and rejected Russia's "peace initiative".

Background: Stubb believes that Ukraine is now in a better position to start peace talks than it was a few weeks ago, thanks to the support from its Western allies.

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