Russian forces strike Druzhkivka and Chasiv Yar, killing and injuring civilians – photo

KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — Saturday, 4 May 2024, 19:18

One civilian was killed and two sustained injuries in Russian attacks in the north of Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast on Saturday, 4 May.

Source: Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Photo: Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration

Quote from Filashkin: "One person was killed and two were injured during attacks in the north of Donetsk Oblast.

The Russians deployed a rocket to strike Druzhkivka, killing a 46-year-old man. The attack destroyed a house and a car and damaged 11 houses and several power lines.

Chasiv Yar was attacked from Grad [multiple-launch rocket systems]: two people were injured and three high-rise buildings and several storage facilities were damaged."

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