Just one Azov soldier is among recently-liberated Ukrainian POWs

Tetyana Oliynyk, Ivashkiv Olena — Friday, 31 May 2024, 23:52

Only one Azov regiment soldier was among the captive Ukrainians that were brought back home on 31 May as part of the POW exchange. 

Source: Lieutenant Colonel Denys Prokopenko (alias Redis), Commander of the 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, on Facebook

Quote: "Azov has only one representative among the captive Ukrainian military who have come back to Ukraine today. One of about 900 people.

They withstood the initial, deadliest hit and they defended Mariupol ferociously for 86 days, piling thousands of invaders on top of each other. They gave Ukraine valuable time. They carried out orders.

My anguish as a commander pales in comparison to the pain of our brothers' families, who have been waiting for their loved ones for three years.

Captured Azovites have been held in inhumane conditions by the enemy for almost 700 days. Their names are still not listed among those who were fortunate enough to obtain the coveted freedom. Nobody else deserves it as much as they do."

Background: On 31 May, Ukraine managed to bring home 75 Ukrainians from Russian captivity. Among the liberated defenders are 70 men and five women, and out of them, six are officers and 65 are privates or sergeants. At least a third of the rescued soldiers have been injured, seriously ill or disabled.

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