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Seven civilians injured in Russian missile strike on Kharkiv overnight – photos

Thursday, 30 May 2024, 02:10
Seven civilians injured in Russian missile strike on Kharkiv overnight – photos

The Russians have launched another strike on the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv Oblast on the night of 29-30 May. Seven people were wounded in the attack on Kharkiv.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, the Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration; Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov

Quote from Syniehubov: "The occupiers are launching strikes. Kharkiv and the surrounding area, stay in shelters!"


Details: Terekhov noted that it was "very loud in Kharkiv".


Updated: Later, Syniehubov reported that the Russians landed at least five strikes, some of them targeting populated areas in Kharkiv Oblast.

Terekhov noted that there was a strike on critical infrastructure in one of the districts of the city of Kharkiv.


Quote from Terekhov: "There is a fire, a damaged gas pipeline and surrounding buildings. We see many broken windows. There will be a door-to-door inspection in the morning for us to discover more details."


Quote from Syniehubov: "Updated information says two people sustained shrapnel wounds, and one experienced an acute stress reaction."

"The enemy also attacked Mala Danylivka. Strikes on an outbuilding and a fire were recorded there."

"In total, the Russians launched eight missiles at the city and the oblast from the territory of Belgorod."

Updated: Terekhov reported at 03:52 that four people were affected due to the overnight attack.


Updated: At 08:30, Syniehubov reported that the Russians had fired missiles on 2 locations. They hit the two-storey administrative building of a utility company, causing a fire to break out. Six women and one man sustained light injuries in the attack.

The official further noted that the Russians hit the territory of an educational institution in the village of Mala Danylivka, destroying the building of an equestrian club. The premises of a student accommodation were also damaged.

Background: On Saturday afternoon, 25 May, Russian forces struck the Epicentr home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv. As of now, the death toll from the attack stands at 19 people as another injured person died in hospital.

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