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Russia admits to detaining Ukrainska Pravda freelance writer

Monday, 27 May 2024, 19:44
Russia admits to detaining Ukrainska Pravda freelance writer
Viktoriia Roshchyna. Photo: Facebook

Russia has admitted that it has detained Viktoriia Roshchyna, a Ukrainian journalist and freelance writer for Ukrainska Pravda who disappeared on 3 August 2023 in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. The Russian Defence Ministry has sent a letter confirming this to her father, Volodymyr Roshchyn.

Source: The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, who were informed by Viktoriia's father about the letter from the Russian Defence Ministry

Details: The letter was dated 17 April and Viktoriia's father received it around 22 April. He also wrote to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which confirmed that Viktoriia is in captivity, but there is no access to her yet.


Quote from the letter: "Based on the information available, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Roshchyna, born on 6 October 1996, has been detained and is currently in the territory of the Russian Federation."

Details: Members of Viktoriia's family had already submitted an enquiry to the occupation Prosecutor's Office of Mariupol, who said no case had been opened against her. Letters to the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, Investigative Committee and Human Rights Commissioner remain unanswered.

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine has demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Viktoriia Roshchyna and other illegally detained journalists.



  • In March 2022, Roshchyna was captured by Russian occupiers and held in Berdiansk for 10 days.
  • In order to get to the occupied territories, Roshchyna left Ukraine for Poland on 25 July. She planned to travel through Russia to the occupied east of Ukraine in three days.
  • Viktoriia Roshchyna disappeared on 3 August 2023 in the Russian-occupied territory she was reporting from. 

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