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Body of teen killed in Russian attack on Kharkiv hypermarket identified using DNA – photo

Monday, 27 May 2024, 14:50
Body of teen killed in Russian attack on Kharkiv hypermarket identified using DNA – photo
The Epicentr home improvement hypermarket destroyed in the Russian attack. Photo: Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

The body of a teenage boy, 17, who was in the Epicentr home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv at the time of the attack, has been found and identified using DNA samples on the morning of 27 May, bringing the death toll to 16.

Source: Serhii Bolvinov, Head of the Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine branch in Kharkiv Oblast, on Facebook

Quote: "The body found in the morning belongs to 17-year-old Kyrylo. The teenage boy lived in Kharkiv, and that day, like dozens of other citizens, he came to the hypermarket. He was identified using DNA – the samples were provided by the deceased's mother."


Details: Bolvinov noted that the remains of another fatality had been found on the site of the fire.

"The remains of the work clothes indicate that it was one of the hypermarket employees. The identification is ongoing. The death toll at the moment is 16 people," Bolvinov said.

Photo: Serhii Bolvinov on Facebook

The official further added that twelve people killed in the Russian attack had been identified using DNA tests, and two more were identified almost immediately on the spot.


The search and rescue operation is underway, as is the identification process. The bodies will be handed over to the families of the deceased as soon as the search and rescue operation and identification are completed.


  • On Saturday afternoon, Russian forces struck the Epicentr home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv. As of now, there is information on 15 people killed and 25 injured in the attack. 
  • It took over 16 hours to extinguish the fire.
  • As of the morning of 27 May, the death toll from the Russian strike on the Epicentre home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv may be as high as 18 people. The prosecutor's office relies on information about the identified bodies, those who are yet to be identified, body remains and statements from relatives about those missing.

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