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Russian authorities claim "heavy attack" in Belgorod, Russia – photos

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 01:28
Russian authorities claim heavy attack in Belgorod, Russia – photos
Photo: Gladkov on Telegram

Vyacheslav Gladkov, the governor of Russia's Belgorod Oblast, has claimed that the city of Belgorod and its district had been attacked and that Russian air defence units had shot down 29 aerial targets approaching the city.

Source: Gladkov on Telegram; Belgorod Mayor Valentin Demidov

Quote from Gladkov: "Our air defence system responded over Belgorod and the Belgorod district, downing 29 aerial targets on the approach to the city."


Details: Gladkov claimed that, based on early reports, four civilians had been injured.

The official added that direct hits had also occurred, causing damage to houses and burning out cars.

Demidov said all the injured were outside during the attack.


In addition, Gladkov claimed that Belgorod Oblast had been attacked on Saturday evening, claiming the lives of four people.

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