Shahed debris falls in 4 places in Kharkiv: houses on fire, 25 lorries and buses damaged, 7 people injured – photos, video

Iryna Balachuk — Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 08:50

Fires have broken out as a result of the fall of Russian Shahed drone debris in Kharkiv. As a result of a morning missile attack 25 lorries and buses, and three cars have been damaged. In total, seven people have been injured.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Syniehubov: "The enemy was attacking Kharkiv all night. Debris from enemy Shaheds was recorded as having fallen in four locations. At 02:09, two houses and a garage were on fire as a result of the fall of debris. Three people were injured: a 61-year-old man, a 69-year-old woman and a 72-year-old woman. All of them suffered acute stress reactions. The other two strikes were on the road surface and pavement of a residential area, with no fire caused. There were no casualties."

Photo: Telegram of Syniehubov

Details: Another piece of debris damaged a minibus, starting a fire.

Photo: Telegram of Syniehubov

The State Emergency Service reported that the Russian Shahed attack has resulted in five people being injured. 

At 07:05, the Russians launched a missile attack on a transport infrastructure facility, injuring a 53-year-old civilian man.

Updated: Later, the head of the Oblast Military Administration reported that as a result of Russian attacks, 25 lorries and buses and three cars had been damaged. 

"Windows in a three-storey building belonging to a utility company were also damaged. Four houses were damaged. As a result of a missile attack on a transport company, two people were injured. In total, seven people were injured. They all have an acute stress reaction," - Syniehubov concluded.


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