The way we help Ukrainians is not necessarily stopping Russians – Top NATO official

Oleh Pavliuk, Tetyana Oliynyk — Thursday, 16 May 2024, 21:28

Rob Bauer, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, believes that even providing Ukraine with the necessary military aid in a timely and efficient manner will not necessarily discourage Russia from offensive operations.

Source: Bauer in a statement on 16 May, following a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, as reported by European Pravda 

Details: Bauer stated that "it is important to understand and to explain that whatever we do will not necessarily prevent the Russians from doing something."

"What we can do is to make sure that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are prepared to the maximum and have the right equipment and the right ammunition to counter any offensive of the Russians. The things we do and how we help the Ukrainians is not necessarily stopping the Russians," he added. 

However, the head of the NATO Military Committee adds that they are "past" deterring the Russian soldiers as Russia has already carried out the full-scale invasion and the war has so far lasted 813 days.

"The Russians will continue because they have not achieved any of their strategic goals. That’s why they continue. And that’s why Ukraine has to continue [to defend itself - ed.], apart from the fact that they want the territory back that was taken from them," Bauer said. 

Ukraine was compelled to ration ammunition owing to the months-long wait for the adoption of assistance by the United States Congress, as well as the delay in the EU initiative to send ammunition.

The head of the NATO Military Committee also stated that Russia's present offensive in the northern Kharkiv Oblast will not result in a strategic breakthrough.

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