Lithuania to send Ukraine equipment from its own power plants

Economichna Pravda — Thursday, 11 April 2024, 20:18

Lithuania is to send Ukraine equipment from the Vilnius Thermal Power Plant (TPP), as well as some equipment from the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), to repair damaged energy infrastructure.

Source: Dainius Kreivys, Lithuanian Energy Minister, as reported by 

Details: The Lithuanian authorities will send equipment from the now-inactive Vilnius TPP, as well as some of the equipment from the Ignalina NPP and energy company warehouses. A 30-kilowatt transformer will also be shipped to Ukraine.

The Vilnius TPP has not been operational since 2016, but its equipment is used to do preventive maintenance and test devices in accordance with planned schedules, the Lithuanians said.

"We will give them everything they need. 80% of the network in Kharkiv has been destroyed, both heat and electricity. Unless we help, the Ukrainians will be unable to restore the network by winter, and things will be extremely difficult," Kreivys said.


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  • Lithuania is ready to deliver equipment for the restoration and repair of Ukraine's energy facilities.
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