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Ukrainska Pravda launches podcast accelerator. Win a grant to produce your podcast

Friday, 22 March 2024, 14:55
Ukrainska Pravda launches podcast accelerator. Win a grant to produce your podcast

Fancy making your own podcast? Send us your idea, and we’ll help you turn it into reality!

Ukrainska Pravda has been working on podcasts for several years now. This year we decided that as well as producing our own new shows, we’d also like to help independent creators turn their ideas into reality. That’s why we’re launching our podcast accelerator.

Are there any requirements for the podcasts?

Our focus is on narrative and documentary-style podcasts. This can be a one-season podcast with between five and ten episodes, each lasting 25-40 minutes. We’re less interested in conversational podcasts and interview podcasts.


There are no restrictions on your choice of topic and idea.

We’re looking for three winners – two to create a podcast in Ukrainian and one in English.

Both individual and team applications are welcomed.


What will the selection process be like?

Stage 1:

Please send your application to within the next month, indicating the following:

  • The podcast name and concept
  • A rough outline of the episodes
  • The reasons why this podcast is relevant and of interest to Ukrainska Pravda’s audience
  • Information about the author/team and links to their social media.

Stage 2:

We will select the top 10 out of all the applications we receive. The finalists will then have a chance to persuade our panel of judges of the importance of their podcast, and the judges will announce the winners.

What will the winning authors and teams receive?

The winners will receive:

  • Grants to produce their podcasts
  • The opportunity to record their podcasts in a professional studio
  • Technical support
  • Assistance from Ukrainska Pravda’s podcast team during the production process.

Where will the podcasts be released?

The podcasts will be posted on all platforms that support the podcast format and on Ukrainska Pravda's website.

If you are interested in taking part, please send your application to by no later than 22 April, indicating Podcast Contest in the subject line.

Because of the fact that a certain number of participants submitted applications for existing podcasts, we added a clause stating that we would only consider podcasts that will be created from scratch.

Additionally, because some participants submitted applications for interview podcasts, we have updated this clause as well and reiterated that we are only interested in narrative podcasts.

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