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Ukrainian Air Force destroys second Russian Su-34 fighter jet in a day

Tuesday, 27 February 2024, 15:39
Ukrainian Air Force destroys second Russian Su-34 fighter jet in a day
Photo: the Air Force of Ukraine

The Defence Forces of Ukraine have destroyed another Russian Su-34 fighter jet on the eastern front.

Source: Mykola Oleshchuk, the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force of Ukraine, on Telegram

Quote: "At about 14:00 another Su-34 fighter jet was downed. The direction is the same! The goal has not changed!


With such considerable losses of attack and special aircraft, the Russians should think for a bit and stop ‘air cannon fodder assaults’ at least for some time.

Well, we will keep working… To victory!".

Updated: Later, Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, posted a picture of the second Russian Su-34 Sukhoi fighter jet downed.


Background: On 27 February Ukraine’s Air Force downed another Russian Sukhoi Su-34 fighter jet on the eastern front.

This new has been updated since publication.

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