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Russians drop bombs on Kurakhove, wounding 9 civilians

Thursday, 22 February 2024, 15:19
Russians drop bombs on Kurakhove, wounding 9 civilians
Photo: Prosecutor's Office

Russian forces have conducted an airstrike on Kurakhove, Donetsk Oblast, wounding nine people.

Source: Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office

Details: The Russians bombarded Kurakhove using KAB-250 bombs at about 10:10 on 22 February. The airstrike on the territory of an industrial facility injured nine employees – two of them women and seven men aged 31 to 54.


It is noted that all the wounded people were taken to hospital and are receiving qualified medical care. They were diagnosed with closed head injuries, bruises and concussions.

Quote: "Prosecutors continue to take all possible and appropriate measures to document Russian war crimes against civilians in the oblast.

Under the procedural supervision of the Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation was initiated in criminal cases over violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438.1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)."


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