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Air-raid siren sounds while Polish Foreign Minister explains purpose of his visit to Kyiv

Friday, 22 December 2023, 20:39
Air-raid siren sounds while Polish Foreign Minister explains purpose of his visit to Kyiv
Photo: Getty Images

A briefing with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and his newly-appointed Polish counterpart Radosław Sikorski was held in Kyiv. An air-raid siren was sounded when the Polish diplomat began to deliver his statement.

Source: European Pravda

Quote: "Thank you very much for the invitation to Kyiv... This air-raid siren that you all hear now is the reason why I am here," Sikorski said.


He called it absolutely unacceptable "for a neighbouring country to attack its neighbour under any reason and bomb cities, completely destroy regions, deport children, prepare to exterminate a neighbour who has done nothing wrong towards them".

Sikorski stated that in this titanic struggle, Poland is on the side of Ukraine.

Quote: "Ukraine is a European country. Its free people, who want to live in democracy, in peace, who want to make their own decisions about their country, have chosen their path towards Europe, towards the West. You certainly have the right to make this choice," the diplomat said.


He noted that Poland will help Ukrainians defend their right to choose, "so that no one is forced to run to shelters because Putin would like to reestablish the Russian Empire".

Dmytro Kuleba, for his part, noted that Sikorski arrived in Kyiv despite a Russian drone attack.

Quote: "Radek was on his way to Kyiv when another Russian-Iranian Shahed attack on Ukraine took place. But despite yet another attack, despite the threat, Radek did not turn around, he came to Kyiv. And this once again shows that Poland supports Ukraine in the most difficult times, and nothing can scare away or change this support," Kuleba said.

Background: During a visit to Kyiv on Friday, Sikorski met with President Zelenskyy, who expressed hope for a "new page" in relations between the two countries.

Following the Polish minister's visit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland said that Sikorski is preparing and will present an aid package to Kyiv.

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