White House intensifies efforts concerning aid for Ukraine in Congress

Sunday, 10 December 2023, 19:12

The White House will strengthen its interaction with American lawmakers trying to reach a bipartisan agreement which would provide for supplying Ukraine and Israel with military aid and strengthening the US border security at the same time.

Source: Chris Murphy, US senator, Democrat and the leading negotiator from the Democrats, cited by the Reuters agency; European Pravda

Details: The Republicans insist that additional financing for Ukraine must be accompanied by serious changes in the US border security sector.

A bipartisan group of senators who are trying to find a compromise has achieved slight progress in less than a week before the US Congress goes on winter break.

"The White House is going to get more engaged this week," said Senator Chris Murphy in the broadcast of the NBC News TV channel.

He said it was essential to know whether Joe Biden would sign some promising agreement.

Murphy stated that current demands of the Republicans concerning border security are unreasonable, and the Republican Party "is playing games with the security of the world" by connecting military aid with the US border security measures.

In October, the White House turned to the Congress, asking them to make a decision concerning the request for additional US$106 billion financing, explaining that it would "facilitate our national security and support our allies and partners".

According to sources, Biden’s administration is considering the possibility of concessions in migration policy in order to allocate the new aid for Ukraine and Israel in the bill about additional financing. 

On 6 December, the bill about supplying Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan with aid did not pass a procedural vote in the Senate.

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