455 Ukrainian cities and towns have no power due to weather, hostilities, and technical issues

Sunday, 10 December 2023, 15:53

No scheduled power cuts have been implemented in Ukraine despite the fact that 455 cities and towns currently have no power due to weather conditions, ongoing hostilities and technical disruptions.

Source: Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Details: Twenty six settlements in Donetsk Oblast have no power because of Russian attacks. Repair brigades were able to restore power to 17 settlements that experienced power cuts earlier. A total of 121 settlements in Donetsk Oblast have no power, including 14 that experience partial power cuts.

Sixty three cities and towns in Zaporizhzhia Oblast lost power due to weather conditions, with 75 settlements having recently had their power supply restored. Twenty settlements have no power because of earlier issues, and 63 have experienced power cuts because of hostilities.

Sixty settlements in Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts also have no power, including 21 that only experience partial power cuts.

A total of 165 households that had lost power because of Russian attacks had their power restored, but 16,217 households still have no power. A number of households in the city of Kupiansk were disconnected from the gas distribution network due to fighting in the area. In Kharkiv, gas supply was restored to 23 households.

In the city of Kherson, 3,358 households have lost power due to hostilities. Forty five Kherson Oblast settlements remain without electricity as a result of Russian attacks.

Fifteen settlements in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast have no power due to weather conditions.

The Energy Ministry noted that Ukraine’s power system is stable and under control. No scheduled power cuts are expected.


  • On 9 December, Ukraine was forced to attract emergency assistance with a capacity of 300 MW from Romania and Poland for the third time since the beginning of winter due to a deficit in the energy system.

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