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Black Sea storm damages Russia's Kerch Bridge defences

Friday, 1 December 2023, 09:15
Black Sea storm damages Russia's Kerch Bridge defences

Judging by satellite images, the Russian defences of the Kerch (Crimean) Bridge were badly damaged by the storm: most of the barges in front of it on the Black Sea side were washed away or sunk.

Source: MT Anderson, an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) analyst, on Twitter (X); Crimea.Reality (Krym.Realii), a Crimea-based Telegram channel

Details: On 1 December, MT Anderson shared satellite images from 28 November that show "substantial damage" to the defences of Kerch Bridge, which connects mainland Russia and Crimea, compared to the images from 4 October.

Баржі біля Керченського мосту 04.10.2023
Barges near the Kerch Bridge on 4 October 2023
Photo: MT Anderson on Twitter (X)

Three barges have been fully submerged, one partially submerged, and two have been "completely washed away". One barge remains afloat but is not tethered to anything.

Состояние защитной линии Крымского моста после шторма, 28.11.2023
Kerch Bridge defences on 28 November 2023
Photo: MT Anderson on Twitter (X)

Previously: On 26 November, a severe storm hit the Black Sea and Ukraine's south, including Russia-occupied Crimea.

Hundreds of trees were knocked down in different regions, dozens of buildings were damaged, and thousands of people were left without electricity, heat and gas. There were casualties.


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