Russian Foreign Ministry on Zelenskyy's Peace Formula: Nothing to discuss on such terms

Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 09:54

Sergei Ryabkov, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, has stated that a truce based on Zelenskyy's Peace Formula is impossible, saying Russia has nothing to discuss on the terms put forward by Kyiv.

Source: Ryabkov's interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia

Details: Russian media outlets support the Kremlin's narrative that Ukraine supposedly is not independent in making judgements on the war of liberation against Russia and possible negotiations with Russia. Therefore, the question to Ryabkov was whether he sees "the US willingness to force Ukraine to a truce next year".

Quote: "No, nothing of the sort is out of the question, but I can't imagine it at this point. Should our American colleagues have any ideas on this matter, they are, of course, entitled and free to present them in any form. We will listen to them. However, they should not address us but Kyiv. There is nothing to discuss with us on the terms that Ukraine has put forward."

Details: Ryabkov claimed that the United States "is at the head of a Western group that repeats the Zelenskyy peace formula like a chant as if it were the only basis for agreements".

"However, such a basis will not only fail to achieve any agreements but also make dialogue impossible. Therefore, we are not ready to consider anything with the United States on this basis. They have to work with their 'proxies'," the Russian deputy foreign minister said.

Answering a clarifying question about whether a truce is not expected next year, Ryabkov replied in his typical overconfident manner: "I don't expect a truce; I expect that the goals of the special military operation [as the Russian propaganda calls the war against Ukraine – ed.] will certainly be achieved."

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