Ukrainian economy suffers €400 million of losses because of checkpoints blockade

Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 15:27

The Federation of Employers of Ukraine has estimated the losses to Ukraine's economy by the blocking of the border by Polish hauliers at more than €400 million.

Source: Volodymyr Balin, Vice President of the Association of International Road Hauliers of Ukraine, at a briefing at the Media Centre Ukraine

Quote: "The situation is really critical. I'm not ready to say how other industries are suffering, although according to the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, our economy has already suffered more than €400 million [worth of losses]. We record the losses of our hauliers based on the lost profitability – €350 euros per day of layover." 


  • One day of strike action by Polish hauliers at Polish-Ukrainian border crossing points costs one company an average of 1 million hryvnias (about US$27,500). 
  • In Slovakia, hauliers started a blockade of the Vyšné Nemecké border crossing point with Ukraine. The traffic was later unblocked.
  • Due to Polish hauliers blocking the work of checkpoints on the border with Ukraine, there are currently around 2,900 trucks in queues in three directions.

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