Russia suddenly holds training on how to respond to "enemy nuclear strike"

Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 19:59

The Russian top military command has reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the training of Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Forces, during which they practised conducting a massive nuclear strike in response to a strike by their opponent.

Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian TV channel Russia 24, as reported by European Pravda

The "ground, naval and aircraft forces that make up the nuclear deterrence forces" participated in the training, the Kremlin reported. It was stated that the Russian nuclear forces have conducted practice launches of ballistic and cruise missiles.

Russia launched a Yars intercontinental ballistic missile from the state experimental spaceport at Plesetsk toward the Kura polygon, and the Sineva ballistic missile was launched from the nuclear underwater cruiser Tula in the Barents Sea.

 "The long-range aviation Tu-95MC aircraft, which launched air-based cruise missiles, were also involved in the training. The management of practical launches was being conducted from the National Centre of Defence Management of Russia," the Kremlin added.

Russia’s Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu reported to Putin during a live broadcast that "launching a massive nuclear strike by the strategic offensive forces in response to a nuclear strike of the enemy was performed".

The reports on the nuclear training exercise emerged at the same time as the process of suspending ratification of the  Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was completed in the Russian parliament. This will change Moscow’s legal position concerning the possibility of conducting such tests.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called Moscow’s threats to suspend the ratification of the treaty irresponsible and remarked that there had been no changes in the deployment of Russian nuclear forces.

Since the beginning of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has been resorting to nuclear threats from time to time. US Intelligence and Western leaders generally consider this scenario unlikely.

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