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Day of Balakliia's liberation from Russian occupiers becomes city's holiday

Friday, 8 September 2023, 17:00
Day of Balakliia's liberation from Russian occupiers becomes city's holiday
Vitalii Karabanov. Photo:

The city of Balakliia in Kharkiv Oblast will celebrate its City Day on 8 September, the anniversary of its liberation from Russian occupation.

Source: an order by Vitalii Karabanov, Head of Balakliia City Military Administration; website of Balakliia City Council

Details: This order issued by the head of the Balakliia City Military Administration, dated 8 September 2023, sets the annual date of the celebration of the Day of Balakliia on 8 September in order to properly celebrate the anniversary of the liberation of Balakliia from Russian occupation forces during the Kharkiv offensive in 2022, to form local traditions and customs, a sense of patriotism and love for the native land, and as a sign of gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

An order by Balakliia City Military Administration on the celebration of the Day of the City of Balakliia

Quote from Karabanov: "8 September was a special day for all residents of Balakliia...

Today we congratulate all our residents on the Day of the City! On the day of the liberation of our home from Russian occupation forces!

By uniting, we have won the right to live in a free Ukrainian city and to celebrate such important holidays for us today. Every day we prove to ourselves and the whole world that we are the free people of an independent Ukraine." 


Background: On 8 September 2022, Ukrainian defenders posted photos and videos from Balakliia, which had been under occupation for six months. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed the liberation of Balakliia by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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