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Latvian Transport Minister says poor infrastructure is hindering delivery of aid to Ukraine

Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 00:20

Jānis Vitenbergs, Latvia's Minister of Transport, has said a lack of transport infrastructure connecting the two countries is delaying the delivery of aid to Ukraine.

Source: Vitenbergs during a roundtable discussion with EU ministers, as reported by European Pravda, citing the news outlet Delfi

Details: The minister believes that investment is needed to improve the road network, railway infrastructure, port and airport infrastructure in Latvia and throughout the region, and that the available funding from Europe is insufficient.


"We are negotiating a common stance with like-minded countries from our region and the EU to obtain additional funds for projects and investments," Vitenbergs added.

He emphasised the importance of attracting EU funds to Latvia and noted that significant work has been done to improve the infrastructure of the single European transport network.



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