Hungarian official speaks of "security guarantees" for Russia and hindering Ukraine's ascension to NATO

Sunday, 3 September 2023, 15:54

Gergely Gulyás, head of the administration of the Prime Minister of Hungary, announced the need to provide Russia with some kind of "security guarantees" from Western powers.

Source: Gulyás said this during a speech to students of the summer university in Vajta, reports European Pravda with reference to Hirado

Details: The representative of the office of Viktor Orbán also spouted out a number of remarks similar to Russian propaganda in their spirit, noting in particular that Ukraine allegedly "has no real chance" of taking back the territories occupied by Russia.

Nor does Gulyás see Russia as a threat to Central Europe, as its army "did not achieve rapid and breakthrough results" during the invasion of Ukraine.

He also stated the need for negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which, in his opinion, should take place with the participation of the United States.

According to the Hungarian official, to achieve lasting peace, "the Western world, which supports Ukraine, must provide security guarantees to Russia, but not NATO membership for Ukrainians."

In addition, Gulyás said that in order to achieve a so-called "peace" in the future, the world needs to deploy a peacekeeping contingent and make a number of such decisions.

This is not the first time that representatives of the Hungarian authorities have made statements in the spirit of Russian propaganda. In particular, recently, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that the historical possibility of Ukraine joining NATO has been lost and it is necessary to forget about Kyiv's accession to the Alliance.

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