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US government shutdown could affect speed of military aid to Ukraine – State Department

Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 00:54
US government shutdown could affect speed of military aid to Ukraine – State Department
Matthew Miller. Photo:

The shutdown of the US government may affect the speed of military assistance to Ukraine.

Source: Matthew Miller, spokesman for the US State Department 

Details: Miller said the shutdown [delay in the adoption of the new budget – ed.] is a legal issue that concerns who is allowed to work during the shutdown and who is prohibited.


Quote: "We are able to continue to provide assistance – military assistance, security assistance – in the event of a government shutdown. But when you have a number of people who aren’t allowed to come to work, that could affect the pace of any deliveries. It’s why we think a shutdown would be so concerning and why we would urge Congress to fund the government."


  • Currently, financial assistance from the United States is in question not only for 2024 but also for the end of 2023. The fiscal year in the States ends on 30 September and the next budget period should be effective from 1 October. However, US lawmakers did not pass the budget for next year.
  • In such a situation, the US Congress should pass a so-called interim budget, which will be valid until a full budget is passed. Under this budget, the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance expects to receive US$3.3 billion from the US in 2023.

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