Air defence destroys 20 Russian missiles over capital and Kyiv Oblast

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 07:12

Ukraine’s Air Defence Forces destroyed 20 Russian targets over the city of Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast on the night of 20-21 September. The Kyiv City Military Administration has reported that Russian forces launched Kh-101/555/55 cruise missiles.

Source: Serhii Popko, Head of Kyiv City Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "Another Russian missile attack on Kyiv. Previously, approximately 10 Tu-95MS strategic aviation aircraft launched X-101/555/55 cruise missiles.

Assets and personnel of the Air Force destroyed over 20 enemy targets. (The Air Force will publish official information on the number and types of downed air targets after they collect all the information)."

Details: Popko said missile pieces fell in several districts of Kyiv.

Damage to a gas pipe was recorded in Shevchenkivskyi District. Early reports say there was no fire.

Non-residential premises and parked cars were damaged by pieces of a missile in Darnytskyi district. There is a fire.

Information on casualties and destruction is being established.

The missile threat in Kyiv had lasted for more than two hours.

Popko added that the city of Kyiv has now survived more than 1,000 hours of air-raid warnings since the beginning of the full-scale invasion – that is, one and a half months of continuous alarm.


  • An explosion occurred in the Darnytskyi district of the Ukrainian capital during an air-raid warning on the early morning of 21 September, injuring seven people. The pieces of missiles also fell in the Holosiivskyi and Shevchenkivskyi districts of the city, damaging a gas pipe and windows in the five-storey building. Firefighters are extinguishing the fires. 

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