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Ukrainian legal representative gives Kyiv's definition of victory in "genocide" lawsuit

Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 19:35
Ukrainian legal representative gives Kyiv's definition of victory in genocide lawsuit

Ukraine would regard a ruling in which the UN International Court of Justice recognises Moscow's violation of the norms of international law and recognises the war as groundless as a victory in its complaint regarding false accusations of genocide by the Russian Federation.

Source: Oksana Zolotariova, Director of the International Law Department of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and deputy representative of Ukraine at the ICJ, in an interview with European Pravda.

Zolotariova said that in general, Ukraine also hopes to ensure the individual accountability of Russian citizens who have committed crimes, including the President of the Russian Federation, at the level of the Ukrainian legal system and the International Criminal Court, and the responsibility of Russia as a state for the violations of international law which it has committed by its actions against Ukraine.


Quote: "We hope that ultimately the court will find that Russia has violated the norms of international law, namely the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, and that this war is groundless and violates all the norms and principles of international law, and this will be enshrined in the court's ruling. Also, of course, Russia must provide guarantees of non-repetition (of aggression), and Russia must withdraw its troops and, of course, pay compensation."

In the interview, Zolotariova also described how the Ukrainian team worked to prepare this lawsuit at the UN International Court of Justice on an evacuation train in the first few days of the full-scale war.

Read more: First Genocide Case against Russia. How Ukraine and 32 Countries Sue Kremlin in the Hague


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