Air-raid warning in place for more than two hours due to missile danger

An air-raid warning was issued throughout Ukraine on the night of 17 September, as the Air Force warned civilians of a missile danger. The warning was in place for more than two hours.
Source: air-raid warnings map; Ukraine's Air Force on Telegram
Quote: "Attention! Missile danger in eastern and southeastern regions!"
Details: An air-raid warning issued in 12 oblasts of Ukraine was later extended to the whole of Ukraine.
Update: Later, the Air Force reported that a group of missiles was moving from the east in a southwesterly direction (their course may vary).
As of 06:52, the all-clear was given in all oblasts of Ukraine.
Earlier: Before that, an air-raid warning was issued in Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson Oblasts, and the Armed Forces warned of a possible missile strike in the southern oblasts.
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