Ukrainians protest against wartime procurement scandal in front of Kyiv City State Administration

On 16 September, Ukrainians gathered in front of the Kyiv City State Administration building in the capital and demanded that the authorities spend money on the Armed Forces.
Source: social media
Details: Ukrainians are demanding that the authorities spend public money primarily on the Armed Forces and on victory rather than on "paving stones, vegetable cutters and drums". [The protesters were referring to a number of tenders held by local authorities to purchase vegetable cutters and drums for air-raid shelters and repair paving in Kyiv, regarding these decisions as poorly-timed when funds are so badly needed for supplies to Ukraine's Armed Forces – ed.]
Earlier, a similar protest against dodgy procurement was held in Odesa.
Масштабний протест проти марнотратства біля КМДА.
— Вікторія (@Viktori_whiskey) September 16, 2023
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