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Bear saved from Yampil by Ukrainian Forces to Live in Scottish Zoo

Tuesday, 12 September 2023, 14:25

A Scottish zoo will take in an Asian black bear that barely survived the Russian occupation of Yampil in Donetsk Oblast. The bear will go to its new home – the Five Sisters Zoo in Scotland  – at the beginning of next year.

Source: CNN

The Ukrainian military rescued a bear in the village of Yampil in Donetsk Oblast in October 2022. Almost all of the 200 animals in the abandoned private zoo died from starvation or were killed due to shelling.

A Scottish zoo will shelter an Asian black bear that barely survived the Russian occupation of Yampil

One of the few survivors was a severely injured 12-year-old bear. The animal suffered a concussion when a shell exploded near its cage.

The Ukrainian military handed the bear over to UAnimals volunteers and animal advocates, who ensured the rehabilitation of the animal.

The military rescued the injured bear and handed it over to animal rights activists

The bear was named Yampil, in honour of the village where it was found. Initially he underwent rehabilitation at the Lutsk Zoo. Then he was transported to Poland, then Belgium, and now he will be transferred to the Scottish zoo.

Photo: Lutsk Zoo

Background: During the war, the humanitarian movement UAnimals has processed most of the requests for help in evacuating animals coming from the Ukrainian military.

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