Macron: The G20 Declaration is not a diplomatic victory for Russia

Sunday, 10 September 2023, 19:50

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the G20 leaders' summit in New Delhi is not necessarily the place to expect diplomatic progress on the war in Russia against Ukraine.

Source: Reuters writes that Macron said this at a press conference after the closing ceremony of the summit, as reported by European Pravda

Details: In his opinion, this summit of G20 leaders once again confirms the isolation of Russia.

"Today, an overwhelming majority of G20 members condemn the war in Ukraine and its impact," Macron said.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry expressed disappointment with that part of the final declaration of the G20 leaders summit which concerns Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as noted that the participation of the Ukrainian side would allow the participants to better understand the situation.

Before that, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced, taking into account that India is presiding over the G20 at the moment, that the G20 summit has agreed on a joint declaration, finding compromise wording in the blocks related to Russia's war against Ukraine.

The document stressed the inadmissibility of the use of nuclear weapons against the background of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

"All states must refrain from the threat or use of force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible," the declaration says.

In addition, participants in the summit of the G20 countries called for the implementation of the grain agreement, which Russia had previously thwarted.

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