Planes collide during turnaround manoeuvre in Zhytomyr Oblast, State Bureau of Investigation looks into 3 lines of enquiry

Monday, 28 August 2023, 13:08

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) reported that among the avenues of investigation of the recent crash of two training aircraft in Zhytomyr Oblast, which killed three pilots, they considered a technical malfunction of the aircraft, a pilot error, and a violation of the organisation of flights. The crash occurred due to the collision of two planes during a turnaround manoeuvre.

Source: Tetiana Sapian, communications adviser of the SBI, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast 

Quote: "Now the investigation will consider versions such as a technical aircraft malfunction, and a pilot error. The third line of enquiry is a violation in the organisation of flights."

Details: Sapian said specialists from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Air Force Command will be involved in the investigation.

Sapian says that to confirm any avenue of investigation, it is necessary to conduct a whole range of examinations: a forensic examination, the decryption of black boxes, and a comprehensive forensic aviation and technical examination.

Quote: "At present, preliminary information indicates the crash occurred due to a collision between two aircraft during a turnaround manoeuvre. This is what we received from our investigators this morning."

Preliminary qualification of an offence: violation of flight rules or preparation for them (Article 416 of the Criminal Code). The sanction of the article provides for a penalty of up to 15 years of imprisonment.


  • Andrii Pilshchykov who went by the alias of Juice and two other pilots were killed in a collision between two Ukrainian training aircraft in Zhytomyr Oblast on the evening of 25 August.
  • The State Bureau of Investigation is investigating the plane crash.
  • President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that all the circumstances of the crash of training aircraft in Zhytomyr Oblast that killed three pilots would be established.

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