Like scene from Star Wars: Military share pictures of night assaults during the Perseid meteor shower

Thursday, 17 August 2023, 22:47

The starry Ukrainian sky during the Perseid meteor shower was criss-crossed with bright lines from the launch of ammunition. It resembled a scene from the Star Wars film, but this is a Ukrainian struggle with the Russian occupying forces.

A series of images from the assault were shown by the 53rd Separate Mechanised Brigade named after Prince Volodymyr Monomakh.

The photos were accompanied by a poetic description:  

"The black velvet of the night sky, a scattering of August stars, flashing new ones, previously unknown to astronomers. The Perseid meteor shower mixes with trails of tracer ammunition. 

The spent shell casings fall off with a metallic clink. The darkness is cut by the barely audible thin whistle of RPG grenades, illuminating everyone present with a ghostly yellow-green glow and disappearing into the night haze as suddenly as it appeared."

Photo: 53rd Separate Mechanised Brigade named after Prince Volodymyr Monomakh

The military notes that the Russians launch most attacks under the cover of night.

"Being ready to repel and deliver merciless strikes in any conditions, whether it's daylight or in conditions of limited visibility, becomes a priority," the soldiers say.

Attack by the Ukrainian military
Bombarding of Russian positions

For reference: the Perseid meteor shower peaked on 12-13 August. The extraordinary phenomenon was observed in all corners of the world.

 Working under the starry sky

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