Russians plan to take propagandist teachers from occupied territories to Moscow for training

Friday, 11 August 2023, 17:24

In October, Russia will hold in Moscow a forum for classroom teachers, to which they plan to bring 3,000 "teachers" from the temporarily occupied territories (TOT).

The president of the terrorist country, Vladimir Putin, as well as the country’s propagandists, will participate at the forum, the National Resistance Center reports.

In addition, participants will receive manuals on "patriotic education of youth", that is, instructions on brainwashing children.

"They plan to take about 3 thousand people to the forum [for] teachers from the TOT to take part in a propaganda [witches’] sabbath. The event is organized by the Russian Ministry of Enlightenment," the report said.

Stock photo: gints.ivuskans/Depositphotos

The National Resistance Center reminds that the policy of the Russian Federation on the temporarily occupied territories, aimed at destroying the self-identification of an entire generation of Ukrainians, is a sign of genocide in accordance with international law.

"Therefore, everyone involved in this process will be held accountable for their crimes after the liberation of the territories," the agency adds.

Russians pressure teachers in the temporarily occupied territories to agree to follow the educational programmes of the Russian Federation. 

Earlier, the Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner explained that punishment awaits those teachers for disseminating Russian propaganda in the occupied territories.

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