Medvedev wants to suspend diplomatic relations with UK, Finland, Poland and Baltic states

Monday, 3 July 2023, 00:27

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, believes that Russia should temporarily suspend diplomatic relations with the UK, Finland, Poland and the Baltic states.

Source: an article by Medvedev in Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Russian Newspaper), an official Russian government media outlet

Quote: "It would be better to temporarily suspend diplomatic relations with Finland and similar countries (such as Poland, the Baltic states and, of course, the UK), or at least downgrade their level for a while."

Details: Medvedev also said that the results of the all-out confrontation between Russia and the West should be enshrined in a new document like the Helsinki Act.

In the article, in his traditional manner, Medvedev attempts to convince readers that Russia's war against Ukraine is an "all-out confrontation between the notional collective West and the rest of the world" that will last for decades. Medvedev once again warns that this confrontation has brought the world to the brink of World War III, and if that happens, there will be a nuclear winter, epidemics and famine.

Medvedev also maintains that Russia's goal is to "eliminate the threat of Ukraine's membership of NATO" - a goal it is apparently going to achieve.

"If countries involved in conflict are not accepted into NATO, that means that the conflict will be permanent, because this is a question of Russia's existence," he also threatens.

In his article, Medvedev mentions some "reasonable compromises" that Russia is supposedly prepared to make, but then immediately lays down some conditions: the overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian government and a legislative ban on the so-called "Nazi Kyiv regime" in Europe. He also threatens that "the West will have to accept this, unless it wants an apocalyptic end to our imperfect civilisation". 

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