Water level in Kakhovka Reservoir continues to decrease, falling by one more metre

Friday, 9 June 2023, 09:24

The water level in Kakhovka Reservoir has dropped by another metre over the last 24 hours and it continues to drop. Since the morning of 6 June, it has dropped by 4.7 metres.

Source: Ukrhydroenergo 

Details: As of 08:00 on Friday, 9 June, the water level of the Kakhovka Reservoir is 11.74 m.

Ukrhydroenergo noted that more than half of the plant's building is under water now. In addition, the earthen insert between the plant building and the lock is already under water, and it is continuing to collapse.


Ukrhydroenergo’s hydroelectric power plants continue to accumulate water as much as possible in the upper reservoirs of the Dnipro River in order to have a summer supply for environmentally friendly releases once the Khakhovka Reservoir has drained.


As of Thursday evening, the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir was 12.5 m, which is lower than the so-called "dead point", below which water intake is impossible.

Read also: Flooded South: the consequences of blowing up the Kakhovka dam (in brief)

Everything you need to know about the Kakhovskaya HPP disaster

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