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Ukraine wants to show results on the battlefield before the NATO summit – Zelenskyy

Friday, 30 June 2023, 22:28
Ukraine wants to show results on the battlefield before the NATO summit – Zelenskyy

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an interview with foreign media that Ukraine wants to "show results" on the battlefield before the upcoming NATO summit in Lithuania on 11 July.

Source: RTVE

Quote: "Before the summit, we have to show results, but every metre costs a life."


Details: During the conversation, Zelenskyy also admitted that the plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to launch a counteroffensive against Russia have slowed down in recent months: "heavy rains continue for a very long time, and this has slowed down some processes."

In this regard, he called on European partners to continue providing arms support to Ukraine: "This autumn we launched a counteroffensive and we needed a result. We were counting on certain things, but the artillery arrived late."

Quote: "We stopped because we couldn't move forward. Moving forward meant losing people, and we didn't have artillery...


We are very careful in this regard. Fast things aren't always safe. If I am told that two months will pass and thousands of people will die, or three months and fewer people will die, of course, I will choose the latter... Between time and people, the most important thing is people."

Details: The President also assessed the position of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his international image in the world.

In particular, Zelenskyy said that "Putin is in more danger than I am," because "only the Russians want to kill me, and the whole world wants to kill him".

Answering a question about US support for Ukraine and a possible change in US foreign policy if the Republican Party wins the 2024 elections, Zelenskyy expressed confidence that they will continue to support it.

Quote: "We are very grateful for this support. Whoever the American people choose, they will understand us. The main thing is not to lose the support of these two parties. The United States is a leader in arms and finance, and we cannot lose that.

There are issues on which we have different points of view, but in any case, Biden supports the Congress, and both parties support him."

At the same time, Zelenskyy added that there are "dangerous signals" from "some representatives of the Republican Party," but they "will deal with it".

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