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Mine clearance and tracking down criminals: four-legged "guardsmen" decorated for their dedicated service

Saturday, 20 May 2023, 13:09

Animals, as well as people, do defend the country in times of war. The four service dogs, Dzhuki, Irbis, Antei and Odin, have been decorated with medals for their loyal service.

Source: They belong to the Eastern Operational and Territorial Unit, as the National Guard of Ukraine reported

Quote: "In the challenging times of war, when the nation's security is threatened, every resource and effort becomes extremely important. The National Guard’s cynology experts and their four-legged assistants are one of the most effective means of maintaining security," the National Guard said.


Details: Dogs perform such important tasks as finding illegal items and people, helping with mine clearance and detecting criminals.

Service dogs. Photo: National Guard of Ukraine
  • The four dogs found the following items:
  • over 35 grenades;
  • about 2,000 rounds of ammunition;
  • 2 kg of TNT;
  • a PM pistol with ammunition;
  • AK assault rifle;
  • Six high-explosive grenade launcher charges.

Kharkiv service dogs were evacuated due to a full-scale invasion. Russian forces dropped four aircraft bombs on the military unit in early March 2022, where the dogs were trained.

"Hugs" with animals

Quote: "It was a shock for our dogs. For safety reasons, we evacuated the dogs to Ukraine’s west," says cynology expert Anatolii.


Details: The cynology experts spent more than a year separated from their four-legged companions.

Awarding of service dogs

"They definitely recognised us – you should have seen their tails wagging!" says cynology expert Serhii.

Training of the National Guard dogs

German shepherd Kira and National Guard cynology experts were also decorated with a departmental decoration, the medal "For Meritorious Service'' of the III Class, in Odesa Oblast.

Background: In December 2022, another four-legged National Guard dog, Nika, was decorated with a medal for helping to find a child.

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