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UK and Dutch prime ministers welcome US participation in "fighter jet coalition"

Friday, 19 May 2023, 21:20

On Friday, 19 May, prime ministers from the UK and the Netherlands confirmed that the US will take part in training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.

Source: UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Twitter

Details: Rishi Sunak welcomed the US confirmation that it will train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 jets, saying "The UK will work together with the USA and the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark to get Ukraine the combat air capability it needs. We stand united."


Meanwhile, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that the modalities of training of Ukrainian pilots will be worked out in the coming weeks.

"Ukraine can count on the unwavering support of the Netherlands and its international partners," Rutte stressed.


Background: Before that, according to the media, US President Joe Biden confirmed at the G7 summit in Japan that Washington will participate in the allies' initiative to train Ukrainian pilots on fourth-generation fighters, including the F-16s.

NBC reported that the US and its allies will provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets as part of a long-term effort to strengthen Ukraine’s security, but not in the short term.

Earlier this week, the UK announced the start of the international coalition of countries aimed at the purchase of F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine.

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