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Another collaborator is seriously wounded after landmine explosion in Melitopol

Thursday, 27 April 2023, 12:48
Another collaborator is seriously wounded after landmine explosion in Melitopol

The second person injured in the morning explosion in the temporarily occupied Melitopol was a collaborator police officer Yurii Akimov.

Source: Telegram channel RIA Melitopol

Details: Akimov reportedly suffered very serious injuries to his lower extremities.


The channel also posted a video of an alleged member of Melitopol resistance, who spoke about the morning assassination of the collaborator and warned that other traitors would face the same fate.

In the video, a man is sitting in a building. His face is blurred, his voice is altered, and he is holding a gun.

Quote from the man in the video: "Good morning, dear residents of Melitopol. Sorry for the loud noise in the morning, we were cleaning up the rubbish, namely eliminating Judas [traitor] Oleksandr Mishchenko. Once again, we warn all traitors to Ukraine who have no moral compass: Boys, like in a horror movie, you have only one destination – the morgue. The rest will follow. Glory to Ukraine."



  • Earlier, the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, reported that a single explosion had occurred at dawn on 27 April in the centre of the temporarily occupied Melitopol.
  • Later it became known that a collaborator who worked in law enforcement, Oleksandr Mishchenko, was killed in the morning explosion.

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