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UK Intelligence reveals why Russia forces Ukrainians under occupation to take passports

Monday, 24 April 2023, 09:15
UK Intelligence reveals why Russia forces Ukrainians under occupation to take passports

The forced distribution of Russian passports to Ukrainians under occupation is an attempt to "tie" these territories to Russia and demonstrate the alleged success of the invasion.

Source: European Pravda, citing an update of the UK Defence Intelligence 

Details: The intelligence notes that the occupation authorities are almost certainly forcing the remaining Ukrainians to obtain Russian passports. As an example, they cite a statement to residents of Kherson Oblast that they will be "deported" and their property will be seized if they do not agree to Russian citizenship by 1 June 2023.


Quote: "Russia is using passports as a tool in the ‘Russification’ of the occupied areas, as it did in Donetsk and Luhansk before the February 2022 invasion. Russia is likely expediating the integration of the occupied areas of Ukraine into the bureaucracy of the Russian Federation to help paint the invasion as a success, especially in the run-up to the 2024 presidential elections."

Background: The previous UK Intelligence report stated that Russia was trying to avoid a new wave of overt conscription and possible tensions in society for as long as possible. 

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